
Sam is a professional illustrator and the host of horror podcast “Club Chainsaw.” She is a part-time comedian/clown, and a full-time Butch lesbian. She lives in Los Angeles, California with her girlfriend and their many hungry pets. Sam is passionate about Butch representation, and enjoys discussing Butch fashion, lesbians in history and our representations in media. You can often find her cooking, painting, playing video games, or trying to loop you into one of her “bits.”


Kari is a psychoanalyst preparing to practice psychoanalysis primarily as a resource for Latinx immigrants to the United States. Kari wrote her thesis about contemporary and developing intimate relationship forms. She could practice now, but is a lifelong nerd who wishes to have as much knowledge under her belt as possible before she begins offering care to people, so she’s getting an advanced degree through Mexico City’s Dimensión Psicoanalítica. When Kari’s not analyzing herself, her wife Rachel, or you, she’s checking out showtimes at the local theater, watching hockey or soccer, making a list of her favorite art movies to recommend to future patients, or smooshing her baby cat-daughter Ponyo (see below).


Mac is a 30-something poet-critic peeking out from under a rock somewhere in the American South. Finding anarchist zines on the internet at 17 lit the way to her feminism and butch identity. Her favorite theoretical frameworks are structuralist, postmodern, and materialist. A lifelong student and an erstwhile teacher, Mac carries her egalitarian pedagogy everywhere she goes. 


Rachel is a writing teacher and writer specializing in brow-furrowing riddles to do with the ethics of LGBTQIA+ representation. Check the wrinkle between her eyebrows. When she’s not stressing herself out before a Google Doc, you may find her hanging out with her awesome wife Kari at the movie theater, playing fetch with their dogcat Ponyo, shooting zombies in The Walking Dead arcade game, or watching Claptrap dance in any/all of the Borderlands games. Here’s her Yat, because if we’re not going to participate in the late capitalist fever dream of self-identification one way, we might as well in another:💼🗞️⚖️🦂

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