it’s a love fest.

Hi! I’m Kari. I’m editing this page. Welcome! Allow me to praise butches:

Why do I love butches? I like that behind a masculine image I can discover a feminine body and mind. I want to help lesbian women who are drawn to masculinity, like I was, discover that this option exists. I never knew I could have what I have now. I love that my wife and I have many possibilities for intimacy: that we can use the “strap” and live the entire Kama Sutra like any heterosexual relationship, or not use it but know we have all the options. In my butch-femme relationship I’ve found a new understanding of the female body in its diversity and its similarity. I love it. And not just because my butch wife totally understands cramps, boob pain, and mood swings. She also understands what it’s like to be a female-bodied person in an intimate relationship, and I think that empathy is one reason our relationship has been so successful.

Love to all butch women everywhere,


Send us your love letters (which can be anonymous, of course!) to: your butch, your femme, femmes in general, butches in general, or anybody you wanna bathe in love here on SBD:


March 18, 2023

A Love Letter to Butches 

I see you. I see how you walk through the world unapologetically yourself. I see the strength it takes to go into a bathroom on a road trip worrying that you will be called out as suspect, yelled at, or worse… how strong you have to be in the face of people who think that you are wrong just for being you. I see the kindness in your eyes behind that gruff demeanor, the shyness underneath your powerful stare.  I see the curve of your lips as you look at a woman, and the hesitation at not knowing if your advances will be appreciated and welcomed, or met with disgust. I see the strength it takes you to put on a tie and go out with a beautiful woman on your arm knowing that you could be the target for small minded men whose masculinity is threatened by yours. 

I see how you melt when I look at you with appreciation and desire, how you puff up when I take your arm and walk confidently into a room with you, claiming you as mine... Daring everyone to see that I am yours. 

I will be there to hold you when you are weary. I will be your soft place to land when it has taken all your strength to get through the day hiding your vulnerability to protect yourself and the people you love. I will be the one who sees you for all that you are, beautiful and handsome at the same time, inside and out.  Strong and vulnerable, confident and wary, protector and lover. And I will open myself to you, confident that you will take care of me too. 

I see you. 

Let’s Dance.

By Queen Cordelia